Range Rules

Tuesday – Saturday 8am – 5:30pm Sunday 9am – 5pm  CLOSED ON MONDAY
Closed for maintenance 3rd and 4th week of February and 3rd and 4th week of August
Closed the day before and after all major holidays (Good Friday, Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year)
Closed the day ONLY for Mardi Gras, Good Friday, 4th of July and Labor Day.

The range is open to paid club members and their immediate family (Spouse and children under 18)
No one under 18 will be allowed on the range unless accompanied and supervised by a member.
One child per adult. No child under 8 years allowed unless permission given.
A member may bring additional guest for $25 per guest. Upon arrival you must pay guest fee prior to shooting. Find us to pay Guest Range Fee ($25). The guest may stay for the length of time the member is shooting. Guest must be accompanied by a member at all times. A non-paying guest may not Go/Stay on the firing deck. They must stay in or around their vehicle. NO SPECTATORS.
Members are responsible for conduct and safety of their guest. If management feels your guest conduct is improper, they will be asked to leave and NO REFUND WILL BE GIVEN.
A member/Guest may not run a business of any kind on Range Facilities. This may result in suspension or expulsion. A family member may not come alone and/or bring a paid guest. The membership applicant must be present. A member who chooses not to renew may not be a paid guest of another member at any time. A member may not bring an EX-MEMBER as a paid guest. Memberships are non-transferable.

All bolts and actions must be in the open position when placing weapons of any kind on the firing line, gun racks, tables, benches, pistol bays, etc. No one goes down range until a “COLD RANGE” (CEASE FIRE) is called. All bolts and actions are open and shooters have stepped away from the bench. All weapons are placed in the gun racks and shooters have placed an ORANGE VEST ON. NO ONE GOES DOWN RANGE WITHOUT AN ORANGE VEST, NO ONE HANDLES A WEAPON WHILE THE RANGE IS COLD.

All members and paid guests are required to wear adequate eye and ear protection when on the firing line. You are required to wear an orange vest when going down the Rifle Range for any reason. Golf carts must be driven by members only. You must have an ORANGE VEST ON. You must follow the ditch (DESIGNATED PATH). Do not criss cross on the range. Go BEHIND TARGET FRAME to put target on. The discharge of firearms in non-designated areas is prohibited. The discharge of select fire (Certain automatic) weapons shall be prohibited unless prior written authorization from executive committee has been given. Shoot at target placed directly in front of you, DO NOT CROSS FIRE. Mount all targets on the range target boards so bullets passing through will not damage target frames. No glass containers spray cans, etc. on range/pistol target area. Destruction or vandalism of any club property is prohibited. This includes shooting the roof area etc. of Riffle/Pistol & shotgun deck, etc. Any damage will result in you paying or repairing item.

YOU MUST PICK UP ALL BRASS (including .22 & .17) from grass and cement area. Each member/Guest is responsible for policing shooting area. Place ALL BRASS into buckets labeled BRASS. DO NOT SWEEP BRASS INTO GRASS AREA. Place ALL cigarette butts into trash cans. Leave area clean. Overall, safe range practices MUST be exercised at all time. Willful violation of ANY range rule will subject the violator to be fined, suspended, and/or expulsion without refund. We reserve the right to amend the rules to suit the needs and purpose of SOUTHERN GUN AND SHOOTING CENTER without further notice.